Python & ML Development

Face Detection

Python Open CV

This Face Detection is made for a techfest on a school conducted by our College. This code is a modified one from Adarsh Menon's code published on website. There he has written a post regarding face detection and a video explaining the same. It is a helpful tutorial the only difference here is the input directly taken from webcam. So it looks like a live face detection.

Developed in 8th November 2019

Python TicTacToe

Python tkinter ver 3.5

Tic-Tac-Toe is a 2D simple game which can be played by two players. The first player has a ‘X’ symbol representation and the second player has a ‘O’ symbol representation. The game is to make a consecutive three ‘X’ or ‘O’ in a 3x3 matrix. Each player get an alternate chances to mark on a position. The one who makes three consecutive symbols first will win the game.

Game Development

Developed in 19th January 2019

Background photo by Hitesh Choudhary on Unsplash

Developed by HARK
Made with in Cranganore, KL